Our Projects
EHF Youth Project
12 August 2024
The journey begins with the EHf Youth Project! We’re excited to start engaging with young people under 18 to help understand their needs and issues as part of our celebration of International Youth Day. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn, grow, and connect. If you're interested in being part of this project, drop us a message — we’d love to have you join us!"

Volunteering Opportunities
August, 2024
We can offer you the opportunity to brush up your skills while working in a friendly team of multicultural individuals and the staff in formal and informal settings. We can provide you various opportunities to one to one support and references.
We can help you gain valuable experience, improve your career opportunities, meet new people and spend your time while helping other community members.
Click here to fill & submit the Volunteer Application Form
Developing Research Capacity & Capability Programme (RCCP) - Apr 2023
The Ethnic Health Forum launched the Research Capacity and Capability Programme (RCCP) in 2023 to enhance its ability to conduct high-quality research, informing and improving its health and social care community programs. The RCCP seeks to foster a research-oriented environment, encouraging staff participation in research activities to augment services. Its overarching objective is establishing a sustainable research culture that elevates program quality and efficacy, addressing health disparities among minority ethnic communities. s among minority ethnic communities.

Living Wage Employer
September, 2022
Ethnic Health Forum is CELEBRATING becoming an ACCREDITED Living Wage Employer - Beacause we believe a hard day's work deserves a FAIR day's pay. The real Living Wage is the only rate independently calculated Annually based on the Real COST OF LIVING.
Community Celebrating Eid Get Together Event at Trinity House - May 2022
Ethnic Health Forum organised an Eid ul Fitr get together for the community we serve to come together and celebrate the event. The party was attended by guests from other community and voluntary organisations and statutory services. Local community members and clients of Ethnic Health Forum brought traditional dishes to the occasion to share with others at this joyful event.

EHF Covid Chat Program Activity -2022
COVID-19 Chat Project-South Asian & Middle Eastern Communities
Ethnic Health Forum is continuing to deliver Manchester Health & Care Commissioning funded Covid ChatProgram to local South Asian and Middle Eastern communities. This is our latest activity where we talked to parents at a local school.
No Place for HATE
Celebrating Hate Crime Awareness on 25th Nov 2021
Join the Ethnic Health Forum this Thursday 25th of November 2021 in its multicentric Hate Crime Awareness week. As an organisation in direct contact with members of some of the most vulnerable sectors of society, we believe strongly in the support and protection of all people, and will be diving into how to prevent and report discrimination, prejudice and hostility.

EHF Team Meeting
COVID-19 Chat Project-South Asian & Middle Eastern Communities
First Team meeting of the Covid-19 Chat Programme held on 10th Auggust, 2021 at EHF office. Rauf, the programme lead presented the detailed Gantt chart of the project plan, milestones with key dates along with the objectives set out by Manchester City Council and Manchester Public Health Department. The team discussed and had a brainstorming session to review the plan and ways to achieve the objectives set out by the Public Health Manchester. The team shared the importance of and ways of measuring outputs and outcomes against the objectives set out by the commissioners
New national initiative by Ethnic Health Forum
Ethnic Health Network UK (EHN-UK)
Ethnic Health Forum has finished its internal strategic discussions and consultation with the Advisory Board, and on 22nd June 2021, EHF Board has finally approved the setting up of the Ethnic Health Network, UK, which is a multi-ethnic, coalition of community organisations located across United Kingdom who are working for the health and social care improvements of minority ethnic communities they serve. Ethnic Health Forum is pleased to coordinate and launch a new initiative in this regard.

Meeting with Kaysha Fleming
DWP Disability Employment Advisor
Kaysha Fleming visited Ethnic Health Forum office on 11th June 2021 to exchange and discuss plans how EHF can support and provide services to the clients referred from Rusholme Job Centre Plus. The areas identified were mainly English language club, IT training and It skills enhancement. in addition to identifying health and wellbeing support to clients referred. She agreed to provide half a day training / coaching to EHF staff and volunteers about assessing the wellbeing of clients.
EHF Digital Expansion
Meeting with Beta Business Solutions, Manchester:
On 21st May 2021, EHF CEO met Business Head of Beta Business Solutions, Manchester, to discuss and share the next stage of digital expansion program. Ethnic Health Forum is working to redesign the organisational website to make it a dynamic and include staff portal. The new website will include the staff login to their dashboard in order to enable them work from office or remotely.

Community Engagement Event
Henna Painting for Eid- 2022
Ethnic Health Forum organised a Henna Event just before the Eidfestival. Our main aim to organise this event was community engagement, particularly under the COVID-19 locked down situation. This event provided an opportunity to people who have not met others due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to social isolation and minor psychological wellbeing. The Henna event has been very successful in terms of people who were very happy and excited to attend this event, and in fact, they were requesting us if we can arrange another event after Eid. As (EHF staff ), we always try to provide our best services to the community for improving their health and well-being.
Meeting local community members
Community Consultation
Abbasi, Chair Ethnic Health Forum, having a brainstorming session with the local communities and relevant staff. Local communities are an integral part of our consultation process and plays a significant role in assessing their needs and setting organisational future directions.

Chit Chat Club
Online Community Drop-ins
In response to COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions and locked down, Ethnic Health Forum set up online community portal called Chit Chat Club. The primary aim was to provide an online forum where local mothers and women could join and spend some time talking to others. This would help them to break their boredum and loneliness/isolation. Sarah, Welfare Advice Worker at EHF, coordinates these sessions. She had brilliant feedback from Chit Chat Club women as they were so excited and asked for more day out like that in the future to learn in an enjoyable and fresh environment. Therefore, Akhter - EHF outreach worker, arranged a walking visit to Platt Hall near Platt Field Park following social distancing.