"Pathway-2-Prosperity Plus" Project (P2P+)

10 March 2020 / Akhter

Celebrating Women Day 2020

Ethnic Health Forum Women group celebrated the International Women Day 2020 by participating in a local community event at The Place, organised by the Fallowfield Library. EHF staff and volunteers arranged service awareness sessions and attracts visitors by offering free henna painting at the occasion.

12 Feb 2020 / Rauf

P2P Project - New Staff Induction

Akhter joined the P2P project as Welfare rights Advisor and Outreach Worker. We welcome her to our team. We hope that she will be an expereinced addition in our Welfare Advice Team and will promote the project among Kurdish community living in Manchester. She was a volunteer Welfare Advice worker with Ethnic Health Forum for the last 3 months. She has attended the training in Welfare Advice work organised by MACC.

10 March 2020 / Akhter

Celebrating Women Day 2020

Ethnic Health Forum Women group celebrated the International Women Day 2020 by participating in a local community event at The Place, organised by the Fallowfield Library. EHF staff and volunteers arranged service awareness sessions and attracts visitors by offering free henna painting at the occasion.

12 Feb 2020 / Rauf

P2P Project - New Staff Induction

Akhter joined the P2P project as Welfare rights Advisor and Outreach Worker. We welcome her to our team. We hope that she will be an expereinced addition in our Welfare Advice Team and will promote the project among Kurdish community living in Manchester. She was a volunteer Welfare Advice worker with Ethnic Health Forum for the last 3 months. She has attended the training in Welfare Advice work organised by MACC.

10 March 2020 / Akhter

Celebrating Women Day 2020

Ethnic Health Forum Women group celebrated the International Women Day 2020 by participating in a local community event at The Place, organised by the Fallowfield Library. EHF staff and volunteers arranged service awareness sessions and attracts visitors by offering free henna painting at the occasion.

12 Feb 2022 / Rauf

Community Consultation

Based on our previous programme, P2P, we had a Community Comsultation exercise to assess the needs of our potential target service users. To understand how we implemented our needs assessment, watch this video, which clearly evidenced how our service users have taken the lead to discuss and share the emerging needs and how the Ethnic Health Forum could help in providing solutions to those needs.