Covid-19 Digital Adjustment 2 Work Project

12 April 2021 / Rauf

Induction of New staff

Ethnic Health Forum has inducted new sessional staff to engage the local BAME communities in raising awareness about preparedness for work during post COVID-19 relaxation in social restrictions. The new staff will support in making contacts with the residents and will enrol potential beneficiaries into our Employment Support project - Skills Enhancement Courses. These courses will be delivered at our new office under strict COVID-19 guidelines.

12 Jan 2021 / Akhter

Initiating Online / Phone based support to assess changing needs

It was decided that the project should try contacting existing clients to know their needs, and suitable individuals are offered to enrol online and join our Chit Chat Club – a Zoom based online discussion forum. This activity aimed to keep in contact with the community members and assess their changing needs.

05 Dec 2020 / Akhter

Tier-4 Restrictions enforced by the government.

The project was put on hold in line with the new guidelines by the funder and enforcement of tier-4 restrictions by the Government. Therefore, all physical one to one sessions of delivering IT skills and improving English language were suspended.

12 Oct 2020 / Rauf

Setting up Digital / IT sessions at TRC

Ethnic Health Forum started enrolling clients who fulfil the criteria set by the ESF. Accordingly, people from local BAME communities started attending one to one sessions arranged at Trinity Resource Centre. The hall was booked because of its ample space to accommodate a maximum number of individuals. The digital inclusion and IT skills enhancement activities were scheduled once a week under strict social distancing and safeguarding rules.

15 Jul 2020 / Rauf

"Covid-19 Digital Adjustment to work" (CDA2Work)

The project aims empowering the target clients in the use of Digital technology for their greater benefit under the COVID-19 restrictions and beyond. The target communities are people from BAME communities who are unemployed & economically inactive compounded by low literacy, low IT/Digital skills and hard to reach groups. Moreover, this COVID-19 pandemic has put the families under financial difficulties due to closure of business and offices. Most of the local residents were involved in zero hour contracts and are severely affected. The project received funds from WEA, Education & Skills Funding Agency and European Social Fund.