Feb 2020 / Hanif
Hate Crime Awareness at Local Mosques
Ethnic Health Forum raised awareness about crimes that are racially motivated. The objective of the campaign was to encourage the reporting of hate-related crime and people should not suffer alone in silence. Ethnic Health Forum volunteers distributing the leaflets outside Shah Jalal and Victoria Park mosques after Friday prayer.

April 2019 / Hanif
EHF - Attaining Hate Crime Reporting Centre Status
Ethnic Health Forum attained the position of Hate Crime Reporting Centre by Manchester City Council. Local residents are free to visit and report any racially motivated incidents in full confidence.

Mar 2019 / Hanif
Hate Crime Awareness Event
Ethnic Health Forum coordinated and organised a Hate Crime Awareness session at their office our Rusholme Office. Local community participated in this event and showed their solidarity in tackling the racially motivated crimes.